Wednesday, November 20, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

English - Essay Example In some instances, the symptoms come and go irregularly making predictions of the signs difficult. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between the ages of ten and twenty-four years, mental illnesses lead to nearly all disabilities. Symptoms of mental illnesses are managed through medication or psychotherapy and some can be eliminated. In other people, the illness may make periodic occurrences meaning such people remain under treatment for their entire lives. The most common types of mental illnesses are schizophrenia disorders, mood disorders and anxiety disorders (Tulchinsky & Varavikova, 2009). Mentally Ill and Disabled Young people between the ages of sixteen to twenty four have the highest prevalence to mental illnesses, which is at one in four people. In the oldest age group, between seventy-five and eighty-five years, the prevalence declines to about one in twenty. This implies that young people do not have the abilities of coping with stress as compared to the ol der and mature people. In addition, some social factors have an effect on mental illness among individuals. These include marital status, education level, and unemployment. Higher levels of education result in better life. This is because the highly educated are more likely to find better paying jobs and this makes their lives comfortable. The largest population of men that is affected by mental disorders is between the ages sixteen and thirty-four. In women, the most affected population is between sixteen and twenty four years of age (Godan et al, 2008). Babies born prematurely, especially those born at less than thirty-two weeks of gestation have higher chances of being hospitalized with delusional and schizophrenia disorders. This can be attributed to the fact that such babies’ brains are not fully developed and as a result, they cannot cope with the world’s stress. Men and women experience the same levels of mental illnesses although the rates are highest in both s ingle men and women. Separated and married people have higher probabilities of developing mental illness than married people. Women have higher probabilities of experiencing anxiety and depression disorders while men are more likely to experience substance abuse disorders. Men have higher chances, more than twice likely to experience substance abuse disorders as compared to women. Alcohol is the most abused as compared to other drugs. The number of men and women who have schizophrenia is even but women experience later onsets, better recovery and fewer times of illnesses (Godan et al, 2008). Race affects the way people have an outlook of life. This means that some people, because of their race are not happy with life and this increase the chances of falling mentally ill. African-Americans, Hispanics and Asia-Americans have higher probabilities of becoming mentally ill than Caucasians. About twenty-five percent of African Americans are uninsured and cannot have access to quality ment al healthcare. Stigma associated with mental disorders keeps many African-Americans away from seeking any form of treatment. This implies that the number of African-Americans suffering from mental illnesses is high as compared to Caucasians. African-Americans who seek for treatment have higher chances of terminating it prematurely than their Caucasians counterparts. In addition, African-Americans have hi

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