Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jane Elliot Blue Eye Brown Eye

In the exercise that Jane Elliot influenced onto the children was very brave, she took a risk on her students as well on her reputation. This exercise showed the following: moral development, group self esteem, looking glass esteem, and prejudice. Elliot’s teaching of racism after the death of Martin Luther King affected many children and even adults. The moral development of a child changed dramatically for these children after this lesson. Since moral development components are: reasons one adheres to social rules and the bases used to evaluate actions by self or others as good or bad.When a child is growing up, learning through social influences, an environment where their parents use derogative names towards African American. Those influences on a child that young could really affect ones moral development. Although when Elliot introduced the idea of what it is to be looked at differently, as the out cast just because of their eye color, they felt what it is like not to be white. While Elliot segregated the children by eye color she tested the children on flash cards.The children that were the â€Å"bad† children, tested to be slower verses the children that were superior. This shows the group esteem that is affected just because of the way they were treated. For example one of the blue eye children was calling the brown eye child names and being a bully, they brown eye child punched him. This is just an example of what people of different color experienced every day when being prejudice was more extreme. In comparison, in the adult’s experiment, blue eye people reacted in rude and very defensive.The group esteem went dramatically down, it seemed like they were almost kids again, although they felt belittled because they are adults. The blue eye people still did not want to listen, pay attention, or corporate. During Elliot’s experiment it was obvious that most, if not all, the children came from a racist family atmosphere. This comes to show how the looking glass self really effects a child’s origin of self. They were impacted and influenced by their parent’s opinions and actions.From the lesson Elliot taught the children, she became one of the best â€Å"looking glass† for the children to look up to. While Elliot was trying opening the eyes of young people, she was broadening their horizons of thinking on their own, creating their own set of norms, and teaching to accept people as people, not eye color nor skin color. Being prejudice is another option they could have chosen to become. After Elliot showed the children the other shoes that they’ve never tried on, it would be hard for them to be prejudice towards a person with different skin color.Considering that they know what it feels like to be looked at and treated disrespectfully. In conclusion, Jane Elliot changed many lives. This story was an eye opener, for many others, such as adults, children, even people that are in ja il, as well as myself. If only everyone was taught this lesson when young, I believe that this world would be less judgmental. The adults are less influenced yet more stubborn, although I believe there is hope for everyone to change their outlook on people and life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sand Casting Techniques

MME 3210 Materials Processing Techniques Laboratory Assignment – Sand Casting of an Aluminium 13wt% Silicon Alloy 1) Process Attributes Waste shown yellow* Waste shown yellow* After taking part in the sand casting laboratory session it was made clear that the process possessed many advantages and disadvantage, both from the process itself and from the final part produced. Observing the process step by step it was noted that the tasks carried out by the operator were not very difficult (i. e compacting sand, pouring liquid metal) and so giving the advantage of only requiring a low skill level.However, although the process did not involve a large amount of skill it was observed to be very labour intensive and took a long time to complete one cycle of the process (around 30mins). Having a long cycle time is clearly a disadvantage as time is money in the manufacturing industry but this could be slightly reduced if multiple moulds were prepared simultaneously. Another advantage obs erved during the sand casting procedure was that the equipment used was not very expensive and unlike other casting processes the mould was reusable.With only a low capital investment needed this would make short production runs viable. Probably the most noticeable disadvantage to the sand casting method was the low material utilization. In the labs example (seen left), almost a third of the material used is lost to the riser, runners and feeder. Particularly in today’s waste conscious culture this can cause many problems, however it can be tackled by better design. 2) Process Problems Shrinkage: Shrinkage defects in the final product are usually the result of a feeding defect.As shrinkage naturally occurs during the solidification process, if liquid metal is not sufficiently fed through the feeding system to compensate then it will result in an indented surface. The surface defect was clearly shown in the lab example (shown left). A shrinkage defect normally occurs on the la st part to solidify, so logically in the labs case the shrinkage occurred on the surface of the thickest part Furthermore the big defect problem of a surface sink was observed in the sand casting lab session (shown left).A sink such as this would give major dimensional inaccuracies and would probably have to be redone as it would be unsuitable and uneconomical for further processing. Solution: One way in which an engineer could reduce the effects of shrinkage is to design the mould to compensate for the shrinkage during solidification (i. e making the mould larger). Also due to shrinkage being mainly associated in being a feeding problem, the redesign of the feeding system would reduce the set back. Making the feeding sprue thicker would ensure that the system continues to feed liquid metal to the cavity, thus preventing shrinkage.Furthermore utilizing a uniform part thickness would also tackle the problem reducing residue stresses and leading to uniform cooling. Rough Surface Textu re: The defect causes an undesirable distorted surface finish and is formed due to the texture created from the compacted sand used to create the mould cavity. The effect was observed in the part created from the lab session and can be seen right. Solution: The rough surface effects created from the mould sand can be significantly reduced by using sand with very small grain size.Particularly for the face sand which lines the surface of the mould cavity, if the grains used are very fine then surface finish will be improved dramatically. Porosity: The defect of porosity occurs because of the liquid metal used to create the part can hold large amounts of dissolved gasses. As the liquid metal solidifies, the materials new solid form can no longer hold these gasses and so they form bubbles. These bubbles can be generated both on the surface of the material and internally, thus they effect the strength of the materials solid form and resulting in a decrease in mechanical properties.Effect s of porosity shown above* Effects of porosity shown above* In the lab example holes were added in the sand to allow gas and moisture to escape, however effects of porosity were still clearly visible. Solution: The solution to eliminating the undesirable effects of porosity is based around minimizing the amount of gas that is in the liquid metal. One way in which gas inclusion to the liquid metal can be reduced is to minimize the effects of turbulence experienced during the filling process.Similarly to solving the problem of shrinkage, this can be solved by redesigning the filling system. The design used in the lab example used the bad design set up. With the sprue placed at the top of the mould cavity, the liquid metal flows fast splashing in to the mould cavity below and resulting in turbulence and gas inclusions. If the good design set up is implemented then the liquid metal will flow slower and because runner is fed into bottom of the mould cavity with several gates, splashing w ill be significantly reduced, turbulence minimised and inclusion of gasses eliminated.Good design Good design Bad design Bad design 3) Advantages for using Aluminium – Silicon alloy having 13wt% Si: * Aluminium alloys supply reasonably high tensile strength in relation to density, compared with other alloys such as cast steel. * Corrosion resistant in normal environment. * High fluidity of composite melt provides easy transfer and pouring of material to mould (demonstrated in lab shown below). * Utilizes a Eutectic system, reducing defects such as porosity. * Silicon within eutectic results in: Increased corrosion and wear resistance. * Reduced thermal expansion coefficient. * Improved casting and machining characteristics. *Increasing silicon content within alloy will magnify these properties accordingly * Different Al and Si within Eutectic act as a hindrance to dislocation movement. * On part completion, alloy material can be easily polished and painted for an aestheticall y pleasing surface finish. 4) Nucleation Solidification does not happen instantaneously but occurs by a process of nucleation and growth.All pure crystalline solids have a given melting temperature (Tm), although when above this temperature the material will be in a stable liquid state, if cooled to a temperature equal to Tm then the material will start to crystalize. This usually involves some degree of undercooling for crystal nuclei to form. Free Energy Of system Free Energy Of system From the graph above it can be seen that by increasing the undercooling ? T, the free energy also increases ? G. Gets steeper as T is decreased Gets steeper as T is decreased There are different types of nucleation, homogeneous and heterogeneous.Although homogeneous almost never occurs in real life it can be used to build a model of the more realistic heterogeneous nucleation. Heterogeneous occurs on an existing nucleant but unlike homogeneous the nucleated cap is a solid rather than a sphere, thus less atoms are required. Process usually requires liquid to wet the nucleant surface. Growth For growth to be sustained, the temperature of the melt must be less than the melting point. The speed in which growth occurs can be controlled by the amount of undercooling applied, with a large amount of undercooling resulting in rapid growth.In addition the growth also depends on how fast latent heat is removed during crystallization. Both these aspects contribute to the temperature gradient of the melt which affect crystal formation. Constitutional Undercooling Usually caused by non-equilibrium concentration gradient, constitutional undercooling is more likely to be found in alloy casting rather than in pure materials. Seen in the diagram right, the amount of constitutional has a large impact on the type of crystal growth. Looking at the solidification of Al 13% Si, it would be expected to solidify under eutectic solidification.Due the fact that it is a composition of two materials, alum inium and silicon, and that during the lab the material solidified at a single temperature (room temperature). Furthermore it also provides the lowest melting temperature for the materials used. This is an energy savings in a production area. 5) From the many defects created during the creation of the lab example part it was clear that something in the process needed to be changed in order to produce a part of a more acceptable quality.As highlighted earlier, a main area for improvement was with the method of delivering the liquid material to the mould, particularly focusing on the design of the feeder. The current feeder design used is very basic and can be seen right. The set up uses a thick single vertical cylindrical shaft with a very small taper, delivering liquid metal directly to the cavity via a single runner. Concentrating on feeder design, one way in which defects can be reduced is by supplying the cavity with a smooth constant volume of flow.As the current feeder is very thick, the material is delivered very fast to one area of the cavity causing turbulence and inclusion of unwanted gas. This undesired effect could be minimized by changing the set up of having one large feeder to possibly 3 smaller ones. The use of multiple feeders would allow a more evenly distributed and constant metal flow. In addition the angle of taper could be increased to assist constant volume flow. Cavity Cavity Multiple feeders Multiple feeders Each of the feeders used should be reduced in thickness as much as possible, still maintaining the desired flow rate.This is important as although deliverance of material is critical, the amount of waste material must be reduced as much as possible. Although only visual inspection was applied to the produced lab part, if it was discovered that the defects main cause was that of impurities within the solidified material than the Cosworth ‘’upward fill’’ system could be employed. Due to its upward fill the p rocess eliminates the problem of impurities within the liquid melt and impurities that sink or float are discarded. References http://www. acetake. com http://www. rheocast. com www. electrochemsci. org/papers/vol4

Monday, July 29, 2019

Zulu Kingdom Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Zulu Kingdom - Research Paper Example Shaka was an illegitimate son of king Senzangakhona and he was responsible for allegiance that resulted into massive wars with the neighboring communities. As a young man, he joined the army of Dingiswayo and soon became a high-ranking commander. With the Dingiswayo army behind his back, he led aggressive missions that resulted in the expansion of the Zulu kingdom. The rural Zulu community adopted different modes of subsistence for their survival. This paper will therefore, discuss the effects of Pastoralism, Kinship, Sickness, and healing, Beliefs and Values of the Zulu community. The Zulu community relied on the natural vegetation to feed their animals. The vast grasslands provided good grounds for these activities. Men and boys were supposed to graze the cattle in open field while women tilled land to produce crops. This means that transhumance Pastoralism was practiced in the Zulu land. The community mainly depended on their animals that were supplemented with the food grown by their women. A herder was considered mature and able to make serious decisions on where to graze without any consultation. He was also expected increase his herd aggressively through all possible means. Men from the same locality grazed together in small groups that were based on mutual relationship. In the Zulu community, Large Herds of cattle were not only considered as a source of income but also prestige, power, and respect. This is because the bigger the herd the more one was considered brave. Pastoralist conquests were frequent and in most cases, herders emerged gained victory over the farming communities. This increased their respect in the community. For example, Mongols, who were horse herders, were given great tribute for centuries after winning such battles. According to O’Neil (2011), the Zulu community gained a lot of fame from such battles in the 1830s before the British army defeated them in 1879. A very unstable economy characterized Zulu community. Herds of cattle are biological assets that are prone to change making it difficult to determine their future value. They can only be measured using the fair value method of measurement with many underlying assumptions. A biological asset undergoes the process of growth, reproduction, ageing, and procreation. In this case, there is no clear market set for such assets and there are no guidelines to determine how long this should be reviewed. According to Hlaciuc, et al (2008), â€Å"The measurement of biological assets is less reliable than the fair value method since sometimes the coupled products and coupled costs can generate situations where inputs and outputs are not correctly defined.† With these limitations in the measurement of a biological asset’s value, it was difficult for a Zulu person to define the value of their assets at a particular time. During the dry season, the Zulu’s economy suffered great losses due to animal deaths resulting from lack of water and feeding foliage (Leeuwis, 2000). Some contagious diseases like yellow fever and anthrax could wipe out an entire flock. This means that their economy, which was based on herds of cattle a major source of income, was unstable. Movements in search of pasture too contributed to the unstable economic status e xperienced by the Zulu community. Pastoralist’s communities did not build permanent residence since they relied on temporally seasonal shelters, which implied that the community realized little developments. A brave soldier from the Zulu community had to increase their cattle to gain power and prestige over the other community. This resulted into endless battles that caused political instability in the region stagnating economic developments. The first qualification of a herder

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gram-Positive and Acid-Fast Bacteria Coursework

Gram-Positive and Acid-Fast Bacteria - Coursework Example Name and describe the stages of bacterial growth. How would you keep a culture in the stationary phase?Lag phase- at this stage the bacteria gets to adopt them to the growth condition. They undergo maturation, but they are not capable of dividing.Log phase- the phase if characterized by cell multiplication. Normally, the number of new bacteria per unit time is proportional to the current population. The stationary phase is premised on growth inhibiting factors.Stationary phase- It is the stage where growth rate is proportional to the death rate.Death phase- It is the stage where the bacteria finally die due to adverse living conditions that are brought about by the limiting factors.A culture can be kept in the stationary phase by invoking growth inhibiting factors such as high/low temperatures as well as limiting the amount of nutrients available for the bacteria.4. Describe the different sterilization techniques and know when to use each type. (For example, when would you use an aut oclave, gas, etc.?)Steam autoclave- it combines moisture and high temperatures to kill microorganisms. The technique utilizes temperature ranging from 121-148 degrees Celsius at a pressure of 15 P.S.I. Typically, the sterilization period is dependent on the load and temperature but can vary from ten minutes to one hour. It is used for surgical equipment.Chemical sterilization- The method utilized chemical agents that have the ability to kill microorganism for instance ethylene oxide gas. It is a low-temperature sterilization process.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How does John Lewis profit sharing with their employees benefit the Literature review

How does John Lewis profit sharing with their employees benefit the company - Literature review Example When the employees get the feelings of ownership, they increase their contribution toward the business profitability. The profit sharing approach works best when the business and the management educate the employees in understanding the business challenges hence work hard to get solutions. There are two way communications that create a hardworking culture; employee involvement and flat management (Melton, Smith & Yates 2008). In this strategy, the employer provides the employees cash and bonuses. The employer pays the workers extra money depending on either their individual level of performance or the company’s performance level. The management will have to deduct the extra payment as an expense but will pay income tax from that amount (Latta 2005). A company can also award the performance-based incentive in the form of deferred compensation plan. In such a strategy, the employer will add a bonus amount to a pension scheme followed by a deduction of the contribution. The employee will then have to pay the income tax that the contribution amounts to when he/she receives the money from the trust. Various researches indicate that cash reward strategies give better productivity motivation than the deferred compensation plans. The difference is explained by the immediacy resulting from the positive behavior reinforcement (Hallman & Rosenbloom 2003). The last method that a business can use in this strategy is the stock option. Developing companies can use this process, but should be in markets that are growing fast. The company awards the employees the opportunity to buy shares at a specified period at a set price. The employees wait until the company executes the plan in order to start getting the benefits. The company offers stock option as a bonus to employees for inclusion in the profit sharing plan (Gitman & Joehnk 2005). One of the major benefits of this strategy is that it is cheap and flexible while implementing. The employer can

Energy drinks effect Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Energy drinks effect - Research Paper Example The main loss of water from the body is due to perspiration According to various studies if one loses water up to two or more percent of ones body weight (water makes 60% of the body weight) due to sweating (If a man/woman weigh 50 Kilograms and if s/he loses one liter sweat), that will lead to a drop in blood volume. This will force the heart to work harder to pump the blood through the arteries. This is the extreme situation of dehydration. This leads to muscle cramps. The functioning of the brain heavily depends on water. Thus dehydration affects the brain leading to fatigue and dizziness. If not re-hydrated immediately this situation may even lead to heat illnesses like Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion. In addition to excessive sweating, other causes of dehydration are inadequate fluid intake, failure to replace fluid losses during and after the exercises, working out in dry hot weather, in the open, and drinking only when one is thirsty. There was a time when water was the only or one of the few sources of hydration. But water as a hydrant was found to have a lot of limitations. The major draw back of water as a hydrant is that it doesn’t replace the salts or electrolytes lost during perspiration. Water easily quenches thirst even before the body gets re-hydrated. Only few people like the taste of the water; most find the taste relatively bland. More over, drinking too much water can, though rarely, cause hyponatremia or water intoxication. It was these limitations of water as a hydrant that forced researchers to develop energy drinks especially for sports. Energy drinks or Sports drinks with their typical sweet-tart taste combination don’t quench thirst. So one is likely to drink larger volumes of energy/ sports drinks, compared to water which helps to maintain a better level of hydration. POSITIVE EFFECTS: Electrolytes or salts and Carbohydrates are the major components of an energy drink or sports drink. Protein is another component

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis of Growth Area Authoritys Aurora Precinct Structure Plan in Assignment

Analysis of Growth Area Authoritys Aurora Precinct Structure Plan in Light of Food Security, Climate Change and Population Growth Issues - Assignment Example The country is located in the Southern Hemisphere and is surrounded by Pacific and Indian Ocean. It has a temperate climate instead of a tropical one. As a result, it has less rainfall every year. The entire country is dry and its center is a desert where large cactus grows (About Australia, 2012). Due to extreme dry land conditions and infertility, the population density is only 2.8 inhabitants per square kilometer, which is the lowest figure in the world (Ibid, 2012). The phenomenon of global warming has significantly affected the world including Australia where the country’s frequency and quantity of rainfall has further declined. The dry parts of the country have little or no fertility that significantly affects food supply. Thus, the inhabitants are forced to settle down near the coastline to have continuous supply of food, water, rainfall and other benefits. Consequently, the cities are becoming heavily populated and overcrowded (Major Cities Unit, 2011). Likewise, the C ity of Whittlesea's north area was known as Epping North. Due to the non-availability of infrastructure, services and high development costs, Epping North remains undeveloped (About Australia, 2012). One possible way to mitigate these issues is to develop structure and strategic policies that focus on the development and construction in the country. For instance, in 2001 and 2002, Victorian Government plan, known as VicUrban, decided to develop this land and got control of a massive piece of land which is now known as Aurora (Aurora Precinct Structure Plan, 2001). The Victorian Government developed its strategic planning and policy framework that comprises of various policies that aim at focusing on the development of Aurora. It initiated a master structure plan titled Aurora Precinct Structure Plan, which intends to provide provisions for the effective development and growth of Aurora. The Victorian Civil and Administrative Council evaluates each development in the city based on th e well-established principles of planning for Transit-oriented development. Any structure development plan that is in contrast to the objectives set in the Aurora Precinct Structure Plan is rejected by the Council. Aim This paper aims to critically analyze the strategic plan titled Aurora Precinct Structure Plan in regard to its ability to approach the issue of climate change, food insecurity and population growth and to its adequacy to an analysis of future directions in planning. Objectives In order to achieve the aim of the analytical paper, the paper has following objectives: 1. To study the prevailing and threatening environmental issues that can affect the sustenance and growth of Aurora. 2. To study the Aurora Precinct Structure Plan. 3. To evaluate it in regard to the provisions and policies for the upliftment, improvement, stability and mitigation of the environmental issues that Aurora is expected to face in the next few decades. 4. To evaluate the adequacy of the strategi c policy titled Aurora Precinct Structure Plan in regard to the future directions in planning. 5. To enumerate the potential risks and shortcomings of Aurora Precinct Structure Plan from the environmental perspective. Climate Change, Food Security and Population Growth Issues in Aurora According to the Climate Change Department of Australia, the country has observed climate change affect in three aspects. Firstly, the temperature of Australia has increased

Thursday, July 25, 2019

20th Century ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

20th Century ART - Essay Example Picasso had several friends most of them journalists and artists. Max Jacob was a poet and a friend of Picasso; he helped Picasso learn literature and language. They shared a room, which is similar to my personal experience. As a student because of the inability to afford an apartment, I shared my room with a friend. The shared room was disorganized because of the working on shifts. Picasso worked at night while Max Jacob operates during the day (Hopkins). The artist was not outgoing because of his personal experience during his childhood. However, it is evident that his relationship with women was complex because he had several lovers. The dressing used by the artist was casual and he loved hats as part of his accessory to his dressing style. The film employs the use of films paradox to develop the different angles on the life of Picasso, which include the successful life as an artist, and the social life as a playboy. His passion for women was similar to his passion for painting. This behavior is covered significantly in the play by addressing his sex life, in the light of his artistic success. The failure of his marriage also depicts the passion for women and unfaithfulness. However, the film does not capture the role of the artists in social movements and agitation. Apart from the success of Picasso in the use of art, he employed the use of art in the depicting of his displeasure of the Vietnam War. International peace organizations among other organizations have managed to use art in portraying of the message to the society leading to the massive societal changes witnessed over time. Picasso’s works of art involved weaving themes of conflict, doom, transcendence, redemption reflected on the canvas. When expose d to the society, it gives the impression or reflects on the situation existing in the society. During one of his painting sessions in the studio, Picasso compared women with wild cats because of their passion to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Animation Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Animation Questions - Essay Example As the dance moves escalate, the overlap spaces out but the margin of the overlaps bridge closely as the dance moves slow down. The one year old baby is also consistent with the baby rapid moves owing to maintain balance. But in this case, the overlap I not as rapid as the one exemplified by the ballet dancer. The baby limbs are trying to acclimatize to movement while on the other hand, the dancer has developed stable gait. The drunkard has unstable and inconsistent gait. That explains the varying overlaps. In this case as he walks the overlaps bridge a bit but spaces out as he moves fast (perhaps almost falling but maintaining inertia). The overlap is medium, not as slow as the baby taking the first steps and not as rapid as for the dancer. On the second discussion, as I bounce the ball, I would incline and turn my head to underline the rapid moves I make owing to precisely hit my preferred target (the dining table in this case). I would also dangle my arms and jounce my head. As I lean forward to hit the ball I would walk forcefully and make strong gestures as I pick the stable ball. I would also lean forward as I pick the dropped cup and fallen books and tilt my head as I place the cup and the books back to the table. I would also dangle my arms rapidly to avoid being hurt by the chair as I bounce the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The U.S. government opportunity cost for fighting the Global War on Essay

The U.S. government opportunity cost for fighting the Global War on Terrorism - Essay Example (Belasco, 2007) Opportunity costs of the global war on terror are crucial because they give an insight into other alternatives that the government would have sought if they had not invested in the war. They are also a means of measuring the effect of the measured direct costs of the war. The global war on terror has had serious implications on expenditure patterns in the country owing to the fact that some local expenditure had to be foregone. This has eventually reduced the public’s perception of their well being. Additionally, the global war on terror has caused the US government to reduce the amount of expenditure that they dedicate to economic investments. For instance, the US government has had to reduce the amount they spent on construction of residential buildings. They have also reduced the expenditure on health and education within the country. Investments in fixed businesses and also in infrastructural facilities have been much lower than they were before the global war on terror. It is particularly alarming that the global war on terror has caused a reduced investment in health because this is a crucial sector of the US economy. If people within the country cannot access quality health facilities or services, then they are likely to have lower living standards. This impacts on the GDP very negatively. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the United States government has dedicated six hundred and fifty one billion dollars on the global war on terror between 2001 and 2007. It should be noted that these estimates do not incorporate what has happened this year. Additionally, many other experts assert that this is a large under estimation. In fact, they argue that these are merely direct costs. (Chernick, 2006) The Congressional budget estimates were derivatives of what the US government has spent on disability compensation, military operations, survivor benefits and medical costs. As it can

Monday, July 22, 2019

Exam case financial accounting Essay Example for Free

Exam case financial accounting Essay Solutions to Exercises and Problems Tutorial 1 IFM Case 2-2 Case 2-2 SKD Limited 1.Goodwill There is no goodwill amortization expense in Country A, so the goodwill amortization expense recognized by SKD must be added back to determine income under Country A GAAP. SKD amortizes goodwill over a longer period (20 years) than is allowed in Country B (5 years), so an additional amount of goodwill amortization expense must be recognized to determine income under Country B GAAP, which reduces Country B GAAP income. b.The goodwill adjustment affects the retained earnings in stockholders’ equity. The increase in Country A GAAP income results in an increase in retained earnings and the decrease in Country B GAAP income results in a decrease in retained earnings. c.The adjustment to income is for the current year only. The adjustment to stockholders’ equity is cumulative. The fact that the stockholders’ equity adjustment is three times as larger as the income adjustment implies that the goodwill was purchased three year ago. 2.Capitalized Interest a.The adjustment labeled â€Å"Capitalized interest† relates to the interest that is not expensed but instead is capitalized under Country A GAAP. The adjustment labeled â€Å"Depreciation related to capitalized interest† relates to the depreciation of the interest that was capitalized as part of the cost of the asset. b.The first adjustment increases income because interest is not being expensed immediately but instead is capitalized as part of the cost of the asset to which it relates. The second adjustment decreases income because under Country A GAAP, the asset to which interest is capitalized has a larger cost and therefore a larger depreciation expense. c.Both income adjustments are closed out to retained earnings and partially offset one another. The increase to income of $50 and the decrease of $20 result in a net increase in retained earnings of $30. 3.Fixed Assets a.When fixed assets are revalued to a higher amount, there is an increase in their carrying value with an offsetting increase in stockholders’ equity to keep the balance sheet in balance. The amount by which the assets are revalued is subject to depreciation, which results in a larger depreciation expense. The adjustment to recognize this additional depreciation expense decreases income under Country B GAAP. It also decreases stockholders’ equity (retained earnings). The decrease in retained earnings from additional depreciation is smaller than the increase in stockholders’ equity from revaluation of assets, which results in a net increase in stockholders’ equity. Note: if we knew when the fixed assets were revalued, we could determine the amount by which they were revalued. For example, if revaluation occurred at the end of the previous year, then the revaluation amount must have been $64 ($64 – 8 = $56) because only one year of additional deprecat ion would be included in the stockholders’ equity adjustment. 27. Holzer Company – Property, Plant, and Equipment (capitalization of borrowing costs and measurement of asset subsequent to acquisition using two alternative models) IAS 16 Cost Model Carry asset on the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Capitalize borrowing costs borrowing costs attributable to the construction of qualifying assets. Annual interest ($900,000 x 10%)$90,000 Interest to be capitalized in Year 1 ($500,000* x 10%)50,000 Interest expense in Year 1$40,000 * Expenditures of $1,000,000 were made evenly throughout the year, so the average accumulated expenditures during the year are $500,000 ($1,000,000 / 2). Cost of building: Construction costs$1,000,000 Capitalized interest50,000 Total initial cost of building$1,050,000 Annual depreciation (beginning in Year 2) ($1,050,000 / 40 years) $26,250 Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Income Statement Depreciation expense$0$26,250$26,250$26,250$26,250 Balance Sheet Building (at 1/1)$0$1,050,000$1,023,750$997,500$971,250 Depreciation(26,250)(26,250)(26,250)(26,250) Building (at 12/31)$1,050,000$1,023,750$997,500$971,250$945,000 IAS 16 Revaluation Model Carry asset on the balance sheet at revalued amount equal to fair value less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Capitalize borrowing costs attributable to the construction of qualifying assets. Annual interest ($900,000 x 10%)$90,000 Interest to be capitalized in Year 1 ($500,000 x 10%)50,000 Interest expense in Year 1$40,000 Cost of building: Construction costs$1,000,000 Capitalized interest50,000 Total initial cost of building$1,050,000 Annual depreciation (beginning in Year 2) ($1,050,000 / 40 years) $26,250 Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Income Statement Depreciation expense$0$26,250$26,250$25,5262$25,526 Subtotal $0$26,250$26,250$25,526$25,526 Loss on revaluation27,500 Reversal of revaluation loss(27,500) Total expense (income)$0$26,250$43,750$25,526$(1,974) Balance Sheet Building (at 1/1)$0$1,050,000$1,023,750$970,000$944,474 Depreciation(26,250)(26,250)(25,526)(25,526) Building (at 12/31)$1,050,000$1,023,750$997,500$944,474$918,948 Loss on revaluation(27,500)1 Reversal of revaluation loss27,5003 Revaluation surplus 3,5523 Building (at 12/31)$1,050,000$1,023,750$970,000 $944,474$950,000 1At December 31,Year 3, the fair value of the building is determined to be $970,000. The carrying value of the building is decreased by $27,500, with a loss on revaluation recognized in Year 3 net income. 2 Depreciation in Year 4 is $25,526 ($970,000 / 38 remaining years). 3At December 31,Year 5, the fair value of the building is determined to be $950,000. The carrying value of the building is increased by $31,052. A reversal of revaluation loss of $27,500 is recognized in income and $3,552 ($31,052 – 27,500) is recorded as revaluation surplus in shareholders’ equity.

Edmunds Corugated Parts and Services Essay Example for Free

Edmunds Corugated Parts and Services Essay There some issues that Edmunds Corrugated Parts and Services have faced that has made it to be in the position that it is currently. Initially, the company started with a problem of where to put up the industry. Otherwise, Larry’s grandfather was there to offer a barn where Larry would put up his first industry. The industry also had no money initially and therefore it had to start with loaned money from the grandfather (Stodghill, 2005). Through this, it made a break through to what seemed to be a dream at the first time to what it is currently. The company initially was not capable of employing many people as it had only one hundred employees who were mostly neighbors. Therefore, there were probably not professional. Nevertheless, they were termed as hardworking workers. After the industry grew, the company was suffering from the issue of replacing the current employees who at this time were skilled with the new ones ((Stodghill, 2005). The reason being that they were loyal and they could not have left the company to search for a job elsewhere as the rest young employees would do. The other issue that the company is succumbing on is the issue of competition. Initially, the company had a market share of 75% but lately, the market share has reduced significantly. This is due to the number of the company that has emerged manufacturing the same products. Otherwise, this has made it possible for the company to diversify their production. An example of the diversification that they have done is the production of the more flexible plastic films and reusable plastic containers. This has increased the customer demands on their products. The industry also suffered an issue of the losing several industries especially in U.S due to the consolidation that was done by the paper industry. This has made the industry wipe out most of the industries that were served by Edmunds. The rest of the people who survived opened other branches oversea as joint ventures. In addition, the few who were left were making higher quality machines that were rarely breaking up making their customers stay for very long without going back to the company ((Stodghill, 2005). This made the business sales turnover to decline significantly with time. This made the company to be dislodged by other manufacturers through the production of domestic and export goods. This is the reason that had made the company currently to be in cross road. Strategy for addressing the company situation at hand Looking at the situation that the company ids in at this time, it requires a strategy that will ensure that it will be revived; therefore, through a strategic formulation, it is capable to ensure that the company is capable of returning the company back to the course of its business. Therefore, it is paramount to ensure that there is strategic management that will comprise three phases to ensure that the company is back on it course and ensure that it achieve its goals and objectives (Ansoff, 1965). These phases in the strategic management are diagnosis, formulation and implementation. This is required to be an ongoing process to a point where the company will be in a position to be revived. In the first phase, the diagnosis of the company environment is required through performing a situation analysis. This will ensure that the company current mission is identified and formulated; strategic objectives are put in place to ensure that the current s8ituation of the company is solved. This will give results that will look at the major strength and weaknesses of the company. The analysis of the company’s environment will look at the major opportunities and threat for example the ones that have made most of the company that Edmund was working to be taken and go over sea (Ansoff, 1965). Some great opportunities such making quality goods can be used to ensure that increase their market share as the customers will be royal to their service. This can be used t ensure that they still sell their goods at higher prices. The strategic management that is formed is required to formulate ways in which the recommendation will be offered. These recommendations are supposed to have supporting justifications that will revise the previous objectives of the company and ensure that the required strategies have been offered. These strategies should ensure the company regains it competitive edge. This strategic management requires to be implemented through the resources that are available and it is required to be implemented in a period that is reasonable. The company management should ensure that the implementation of the strategy is cost effective, not disruptive and acceptable by the entire stakeholder to ensure that the current situation is salvaged. The strategy that would be hardest to implement The part that has been very hard according to the experience is the element of implementing the recommended change in the strategic plan. This is because it will require the management to fit the resources and the competencies and the opportunities that the company has in the market (Smit, 2000). It also requires fitting the recommended issues with risks and expectations. What makes this element of the strategy to be more complicated is the issue of making the stakeholders to unite and implement the put recommendation. This requires them to undergo training to ensure that they have what it takes to accept the changes that will be brought about by the changes that are there in the strategy. The implementation of the strategy is hard and risky if not well carried on. The reason being that if any hitch occurs in the process, all the resources that have been put in place will go to waste. It will be a waste of time and this may lead to complete closure of the company. Strategies Edmunds could use in the future to reduce potential crises There are different methods that Edmund can use to ensure that the company is not entangled in the crises that it is in today. Nevertheless, most of them should be amalgamated to ensure that they offer the best results. The first strategy that the company is supposed to embrace is development of research department that will be looking at innovation of the company t ensure that it is at a competitive edge at all time. This department will be in constantly interact with it environment and bring around feedback that will ensure that the company is always competitive. The second strategy is ensuring training to its employees. This will ensure that they are always at per with the upcoming technology and this will ensure that the productivity level will increase. The training will always make the employee assimilate the innovation that the research department has brought about to ensure that the company is capable of competing appropriately. Finally, the company should ensure that they recruit employees who are competitive to ensure that they bring on board workers who are capable of rising upon all challenges. This will also make the company have innovative minds in their company who will ensure that they bring about changes.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Flow Through A Venturi Meter

Flow Through A Venturi Meter Given a Venturi Meter, Cv , the Venturi coefficient can be determined to compare the actual and ideal values as per Bernoullis predictions, for a volume flow rate. For better comparisons, two separate trials were analyzed and Venturi coefficients for both were computed. Trial 1 and Trial 2 yielded a Cv of 0.93 and 0.92 respectively. In this experiment the values calculated were found to be less than 1.0; this relatively high correlation between the experimental and ideal flows for the given Venturi meter however when compared to the ideal flow, the actual flow for this Venturi is not steady nor one dimensional. Therefore neither of these assumptions can be applied to any given actual flow. Nomenclature Variable/ Constant/ Symbol/Parameter Values Q Volume flow rate (m3/s) V Velocity (m/s) A Area (m2) à Ã‚ air Density of air, 1.23 kg/m3 à Ã‚ water Density of water, 1000 kg/m3 Cv Venturi coefficient Po Stagnation pressure (Pa) is Static Pressure plus Dynamic Pressure Patm Atmospheric pressure, 101.325 KPa Άh Height difference (m) between readings and Patm g Acceleration, 9.81 m/s2 z Elevation of Point (m) ( ½)à Ã‚ V2 Dynamic Pressure (Pa) P Static Pressure Flow Analysis Bernoullis Equation relates two points alongside a streamline as P1 + ( ½)à Ã‚ airV12+ à Ã‚ airgz1 = P2 + ( ½)à Ã‚ airV22 + à Ã‚ airgz2 z is negligible so à Ã‚ airgz cancels out on both sides leaving P1 + ( ½)à Ã‚ airV12+ = P2 + ( ½)à Ã‚ V22 Rearranging: P1 P2 = ( ½)à Ã‚ air(V22 V12) Note that Qideal = V1A1 = V2A2. Solving for V2 V2 = Subbing (5) into (3) and solving for V1 V1 = Then Qideal = A1 Flow Analysis (Contd) For the derivation of Qactual, sufficient distance from the Venturi inlet is assumed for a fluid particles relative velocity to be taken as zero. The same height (z value) as the Venturi will be taken for the particle. P1 + ( ½)à Ã‚ airV12+ à Ã‚ airgz1 = P2 + ( ½)à Ã‚ airV22 + à Ã‚ airgz2 z is negligible so à Ã‚ airgz cancels out on both sides leaving P1 + ( ½)à Ã‚ airV12+ = P2 + ( ½)à Ã‚ V22 as stated, the fluid particles velocity at point 0 is assumed to be 0m/s Patm = P2 + ( ½)à Ã‚ airV22 Solving for V2 V2 = P2 is defined as the static pressure at the inlet, found to be P2 = Patm + à Ã‚ watergΆh Subbing (9) into (8) V2 = To find Qactual Qactual = V2A2. Sub (11) into (12) where A2 is the cross sectional area Qactual = A2 Flow Analysis (Contd) With values for Qactual and Qideal, Cv can then be calculated with the relation Cv = For ideal static pressures combine (8) having solved for P2 and (4) having solved for V2 P2 = Patm ( ½)à Ã‚ airV22 P2 = Patm ( ½)à Ã‚ air Experimental Setup and Procedure The experiment was carried out per the instructions outlined in the course manual. However due to a problem with the apparatus and a constantly fluctuating Venturi meter, a camera was used to take a photo. Measurements were taken from the scale viewed on said picture. Figure Shows Experimental Setup Results For trial 1: Qideal = 0.01238 Qactual = 0.01153 The Venturi Coefficient, Cv, was calculated by using the values found for Qideal and Qactual and substituting them into equation (14). This value obtained was 0.93. To find the stagnation pressure, P = Patm and V = 0; the total pressure at this point is represented by P0 = Patm + ( ½)à Ã‚ airV2, however since V = 0 , the stagnation pressure is P0 = Patm. The Static Pressure is Patm = Patm à Ã‚ watergΆh where the Άh used is the value that corresponds with the throat. Therefore Pthroat = 99.206KPa For Dynamic Pressure, ( ½)à Ã‚ airVthroat2 = Patm Pthroat = 2.119KPa Results(Contd) For trial 2: Qideal = 0.01238 Qactual = 0.01153 The Venturi Coefficient, Cv, was calculated by using the values found for Qideal and Qactual and substituting them into equation (14). This value obtained was 0.92. To find the stagnation pressure, P = Patm and V = 0; the total pressure at this point is represented by P0 = Patm + ( ½)à Ã‚ airV2, however since V = 0 , the stagnation pressure is P0 = Patm. The Static Pressure is Patm = Patm à Ã‚ watergΆh where the Άh used is the value that corresponds with the throat. Therefore Pthroat = 96.871KPa For Dynamic Pressure, ( ½)à Ã‚ airVthroat2 = Patm Pthroat = 4.454KPa Discussion The two calculated Venturi Coefficients for both trials of differing flow rates were found to have close enough values to assume that said coefficients do not depend on the flow rate but rather on the Venturi meter in use. For ideal calibration methods, an average of values, 0.92 and 0.93 could be taken to compensate for ideal assumptions which have been determined to be inaccurate. This would aid the user to find actual values once ideal ones have been found. Although these values are not 1.0, they are relatively close. However despite this, it can be inferred that the idealistic conditions assumed at the beginning of the experiment are invalid as they do in fact incur a noticeable effect on the results creating an error. These assumptions included a one dimensional steady flow that existed in a frictionless environment; such implies no energy transfers. Dimensions for the outlet and inlet were assumed to be equal however if the graphs are reviewed, there are discrepancies and a certain amount of irregularities. These further outline the existence of friction and energy loss which can be observed through the comparison of tables 1 and 2 in the appendix where the values of experimental and ideal static pressures are defined. There was however another source of error that was introduced due to the faulty apparatus as was discussed in the Experimental Setup and Procedure section. Measurements were taken from a photograph to facilitate taking down said measurements from a fluctuating Venturi meter. Bernoullis equation states that when a fluid in flow undergoes a rise in pressure, then its velocity must decrease. Said concept also applies the other way around. Figure 1 in the appendix illustrates this through a rough sketch. Conclusion Venturi coefficients such as the ones calculated in this experiment, 0.92 and 0.93 imply that the actual flow is lower than the ideal flow. Therefore the ideal conditions that were applied only give an approximation to the actual flows. The coefficients can be averaged for a more accurate way to calibrate the Venturi meter. The values found imply that the Venturi meter relates the actual and ideal values relatively well; however this may be due to the fluctuating meters. Also very likely, is the presence of a relatively low amount of friction and symmetrical dimensions in the Venturi meter. References University, Carleton, ed. MAAE 2300 Course Manual. Ottawa, 2011. Print.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Tale of Two Cities: Minor Characters Essay -- essays research papers

A Tale of Two Cities: Roles of Minor Characters Every story in the history of literature has one or more characters that are not as significant as other characters. Although these characters aren’t as important, they serve to advance the plot or are symbolically important. There are definitely numerous depictions of these characters in A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. Two examples are Lucie Manette Darnay and Miss Pross. Both of these flat characters are important in the development of the story. Lucie Manette Darnay played an important and symbolic role in the novel. Dickens described her as â€Å"the golden thread† of the novel, weaving its good throughout the plot. Along with her good nature, she was also young and attractive. Dickens described her as having: †¦a short, slight, pretty figure, a quantity of golden hair, and a pair of blue eyes†¦and a forehead with a singular capacity†¦of lifting and knitting itself into an expression that was not quite one of perplexity, or wonder, or alarm, or merely of a bright fixed attention, though it included all the four expressions. (Dickens 17) Dickens created Lucie to be an ideal rather than a real woman. She represented all that is good in humanity—innocence, kindness, faith, and hope—and she served as a touchstone for other characters to find those qualities within themselves. Lucie is a loving and devoted wife to Charles Darnay. After Darnay’s death sentence she tells him: We shall not be separated long. I feel that this ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas in Psychology Essay -- Psychology

Francis Bacon helped to pioneer the new science steering people away from Aristotelian teachings. He helped to bring the scientific method to a place of learning from observation and experimentation. He felt that science should be judged by the usefulness of the results (Greenwood, 2009). Bacon projected that many great things might come out of this empirical approach, but what has ensued in the centuries that followed, Bacon and others might not have predicted. Since Bacon and others pushed for a more empirical approach, numerous discoveries have been made. During this scientific revolution throughout the 16th century was categorized with big advances such as the making of new lenses by Galileo, Kepler and Huygens leading to new information about the stars and space, Magellan circumnavigating the earth, Columbus discovering the Americas, Gutenberg’s printing press advancing literature rapidly, and a religious reformation by Martin Luther that changed the church indefinitely (Graham, 2009). The scientific revolution continued far into the 17th century which was categorized with major findings in mathematics with Leibnitz and Newton independently discovering Calculus, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria, William Harvey published his findings on the circulatory system, Newton’s laws of motion, and continued work on understanding the universe (Wikipedia Selection for schools – 17th century, 2008/9). The 18th centu ry saw the invention of the steam engine which opened up the way for steel production, the discovery of photosynthesis, and the spinning jenny leading to the industrial revolution (Wikipedia Selection for schools – 18th century, 2008/9). More inventions and discoveries epitomized the 19th century which saw m... ...0062 Redlich, A. D. (2007). Double jeopardy in the interrogation room for youths with mental illness. American Psychologist. doi:10.1037/0003-066X62.6.609 Welch, M. (2010). Illusions in truth seeking: the perils of interrogation and torture in the war on terror. Social Justice, 37(2/3), 123-148. Retrieved from Wikipedia Selection for schools (2008/9). 17th century. Retrieved from Wikipedia Selection for schools (2008/9). 18th century. Retrieved from Wikipedia Selection for schools (2008/9). 19th century. Retrieved from Wikipedia Selection for schools (2008/9). 20th century. Retrieved from Ethical Dilemmas in Psychology Essay -- Psychology Francis Bacon helped to pioneer the new science steering people away from Aristotelian teachings. He helped to bring the scientific method to a place of learning from observation and experimentation. He felt that science should be judged by the usefulness of the results (Greenwood, 2009). Bacon projected that many great things might come out of this empirical approach, but what has ensued in the centuries that followed, Bacon and others might not have predicted. Since Bacon and others pushed for a more empirical approach, numerous discoveries have been made. During this scientific revolution throughout the 16th century was categorized with big advances such as the making of new lenses by Galileo, Kepler and Huygens leading to new information about the stars and space, Magellan circumnavigating the earth, Columbus discovering the Americas, Gutenberg’s printing press advancing literature rapidly, and a religious reformation by Martin Luther that changed the church indefinitely (Graham, 2009). The scientific revolution continued far into the 17th century which was categorized with major findings in mathematics with Leibnitz and Newton independently discovering Calculus, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria, William Harvey published his findings on the circulatory system, Newton’s laws of motion, and continued work on understanding the universe (Wikipedia Selection for schools – 17th century, 2008/9). The 18th centu ry saw the invention of the steam engine which opened up the way for steel production, the discovery of photosynthesis, and the spinning jenny leading to the industrial revolution (Wikipedia Selection for schools – 18th century, 2008/9). More inventions and discoveries epitomized the 19th century which saw m... ...0062 Redlich, A. D. (2007). Double jeopardy in the interrogation room for youths with mental illness. American Psychologist. doi:10.1037/0003-066X62.6.609 Welch, M. (2010). Illusions in truth seeking: the perils of interrogation and torture in the war on terror. Social Justice, 37(2/3), 123-148. Retrieved from Wikipedia Selection for schools (2008/9). 17th century. Retrieved from Wikipedia Selection for schools (2008/9). 18th century. Retrieved from Wikipedia Selection for schools (2008/9). 19th century. Retrieved from Wikipedia Selection for schools (2008/9). 20th century. Retrieved from

Hands: Paranoia :: essays research papers fc

Hands: Paranoia It seems that in all three of these works there is a sense of paranoia. In "Hands" a man is fearful of what might happen if he continues to do as he has done in the past, touch people. A terrible fear of what a small touch could lead to. In the story "Eveline" a young woman is confused about what to do with her life. Whether to go with a man she thinks she loves or stay with her father. In the poem "Summer Solstice, New York City" This man is made crazy and paranoid because of something. That something has driven this man to the point of casting his body over the edge of a building. Straight from the text of Hands, a story about a man and his paranoia of his own hands. An example of Wing Biddlebaums fear. "Wing Biddlebaum forever frightened and beset by a ghostly band of doubts."(p. 882) Adolf Myers, or Wing, as the town people called him, was a dreamer, he wanted others to dream with him and experience what he did. "Adolf Myers walked into the evening or had sat talking until dusk upon the school steps lost in a dream."(p. 884) "In a way the voice and hands, the stroking of shoulders and the touching of hair were a part of the school Master's effort to carry a dream into the young minds."(p. 884) This is a man that was run out of a town for something that was not a bad thing. Nor was this something intended the wrong way. Mr. Myers did touch only to pass on something great, a dream. Mr. Myers was run from a town. "They intended to hang the school master."(p. 885) "As he ran away in the darkness they repented their weakness and ran after him."(p. 885) Mr. Myers was so paranoid about touching someone he would do anything to keep his hands from doing so. "When he talked to George Willard, Wing Biddlebaum closed his fist and beat with them upon a table or on the walls of his house."(p. 882) Once Wing did let that one thing that he tried so hard not to do happen. He touched someone, when he realized it I feel that the paranoia set in. "For once he forgot his hands. Slowly they stole their way upon George Willard's shoulders."(p. 883) "With a conclusive move of his body Wing sprang to his feet and thrust his hands deep in his pockets." "Tears came to his eyes." "I must be getting home, I can Hands: Paranoia :: essays research papers fc Hands: Paranoia It seems that in all three of these works there is a sense of paranoia. In "Hands" a man is fearful of what might happen if he continues to do as he has done in the past, touch people. A terrible fear of what a small touch could lead to. In the story "Eveline" a young woman is confused about what to do with her life. Whether to go with a man she thinks she loves or stay with her father. In the poem "Summer Solstice, New York City" This man is made crazy and paranoid because of something. That something has driven this man to the point of casting his body over the edge of a building. Straight from the text of Hands, a story about a man and his paranoia of his own hands. An example of Wing Biddlebaums fear. "Wing Biddlebaum forever frightened and beset by a ghostly band of doubts."(p. 882) Adolf Myers, or Wing, as the town people called him, was a dreamer, he wanted others to dream with him and experience what he did. "Adolf Myers walked into the evening or had sat talking until dusk upon the school steps lost in a dream."(p. 884) "In a way the voice and hands, the stroking of shoulders and the touching of hair were a part of the school Master's effort to carry a dream into the young minds."(p. 884) This is a man that was run out of a town for something that was not a bad thing. Nor was this something intended the wrong way. Mr. Myers did touch only to pass on something great, a dream. Mr. Myers was run from a town. "They intended to hang the school master."(p. 885) "As he ran away in the darkness they repented their weakness and ran after him."(p. 885) Mr. Myers was so paranoid about touching someone he would do anything to keep his hands from doing so. "When he talked to George Willard, Wing Biddlebaum closed his fist and beat with them upon a table or on the walls of his house."(p. 882) Once Wing did let that one thing that he tried so hard not to do happen. He touched someone, when he realized it I feel that the paranoia set in. "For once he forgot his hands. Slowly they stole their way upon George Willard's shoulders."(p. 883) "With a conclusive move of his body Wing sprang to his feet and thrust his hands deep in his pockets." "Tears came to his eyes." "I must be getting home, I can

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Environmental Effects on Athletes

Environmental Effects on Athletes Another way to explore how athletes are affected by different factors preventing or causing them to perform at their highest level is through their environment. Coaches, parents, peers, childhood, and even the media can manipulate athletes. A coach can get you out of your game by giving too much feedback or not any at all. Parents often put too much pressure on their child, making them either excel or, for others, burnout.Starting sports at a young age can also have it benefits, like teaching healthy competition and life lessons. On the other hand, it can lead to more injuries in the long run or teach them unhealthy sportsmanship. For older athletes, it’s the peers and media that can have a strong effect. Bad influences in the media and criticism from reporters can take over or overwhelm athletes and cause them not to reach their full potential. Athletes need a certain environment to perform to their optimum ability, through their childhood an d even as they grow older.The childhood of an athlete is the most important time to build the characteristics of a champion. Certain factors in an athlete’s childhood can strongly determine not only if they are successful in sports, but also in life. A healthy environment can help children in their sports to â€Å"increase physical and mental health, learn healthy competition among peers and the sense of belonging gained by being part of a team† as Lucie Westminister, a psychology researcher and writer, says (Westminister 1).Coaches and parents are key factors in creating this healthy environment. Giving kids praise for their performance can bring out desirable changes in behavior and promote responsibility. Anything as simple from a pat on the back, to a nod, can affect a growing athlete. According to research found by Westminister â€Å"coaches who give positive reinforcement, provide effective feedback, and foster a caring climate provide the best developmental out comes for children† (Westminister 2).By providing a favorable outlook and always caring it is easier for children to grow up to excel and want to push themselves. Too much pressure or too little can cause children to grow up thinking sports don’t matter or not want to push themselves to be champions. Coaches may just be thinking about winning but the characters in children’s lives that nurture positive youth development will end up with children who succeed. If coaches and parents are supportive and connected in the right way they can create a champion.On the other hand, there are many risks by introducing sports at a young age. The highly competitive and ‘win at all costs’ attitude at colleges and seen by professional athletes are starting to affect children too. Pushing kids too hard while they are young can lead to a greater risk of injury, unsportsmanlike behavior, or even cause them to burn out. According to Lucie Westminister â€Å"Injuries su ch as tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) occur more and more in young athletes due to the rigors of practice and competitions†(Westminister).By starting younger, kids wear out their ligaments and joints faster making them more susceptible to injury. Children can also learn unsportsmanlike behavior by witnessing other players, parents, and even coaches. If kids aren’t subjected to the right atmosphere, they will learn bad behavior, just like how Westminister explains â€Å"Children learn behaviors by seeing another person complete the same activity, and therefore witnessing these behaviors may lead the child to mimic these in similar situations† (Westminister).Another negative effect of starting young is a child’s outlook of undue pressure. This negative and high-pressure world we now live in is causing more and more athletes to burn out. If the athlete feels too much pressure or that he or she is not receiving the right feedback it can cause him or her to stress out and no matter how successful, hate the sport they’re in. Family and coaches can prevent a champion from being made through undue pressure. The environment around a child in sports can be a negative impact on there life, unless the right steps are made.As kids grow older media and peers play a more influential role on determining if they will be a champion or not. Television, movies, magazines, video games, the Internet, all have effects on athletes just like how Wayne Wilson found â€Å"94% of U. S. children ages 8 to 17 watch, read about, or listen to sports using one form of media†(Wilson 6). Athletic performance is strongly reduced by distractions, which can arise from peers, unexpected high performance, media, criticism and plenty more.Newspapers, paparazzi, reporters, and even fans can all alter the performance of an athlete through public forums in the media. Many athletes are the targets of the media, always being critiqued and dissected, l ike Miki Ando. The constant and negative publicity of her figure skating performances caused Ando to struggled in 2005 and 2006, almost missing her opportunity in the 2006 Olympics. The only way to stay out of the media is to do nothing just as Wilson states â€Å"Mediocre people play it safe and avoid criticism at all costs. Champions risk criticism every time they perform†(Wilson 15).Professional athletes are always facing criticism, but with the right mentality, champions can be made. From childhood to adulthood athletes are always facing obstacles in the way of their dreams. Children must face the pressure from their parents, coaches, or any influential adults around them. In order for kids to gain the mentality of a champion and learn life-long lessons, they must engage in the right environment. Throughout high school and college, athletes deal with the media attacking or praising them, along with parents and coaches.Friends and video games also come as a distraction, ei ther giving them the wrong ideas or leading them down the wrong path. Distractions are everywhere preventing athletes from achieving their dreams, but in the right environment, they can become a champion. Works Cited Westminister, Lucie. â€Å"Children in Sports. † Healthy Living Today N. p. , 29 June 2012. Web. 2 April 2013. Wilson, Wayne. Children and Sports Media. Los Angelos, CA: Amateur Athletic Foundation, 1999. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

‘Of Mice and Men’ is a famous novel written by John Steinbeck Essay

Of Mice and hands is a famous falsehood pen by John Steinbeck Steinbeck was born in 1902 in Salinas V all in alley, California and he denounce Of Mice and Men during the Great Depression. He ground the tommyrot cable television service on his personal experiences and ventures. The refreshful was later adapted into a move picture starring John Malkovich and Gary Sinise. This leaven will examine various aspects of the take aim the fool amodal values treat custodyt of the story, characterisation, camera work, figureism, special ca purpose and the use of symphony.The movie theatre does non quest after the obtain exactly as s constantlyal(prenominal) scenes from the novel sustain been edited to make up climax and tightness. For example some measurable aspects of the track record defend been channeld. The first change is George and Lennie going into the boss house to contact him instead of the boss gibeing them in the bunkhouse George doesnt sc oldish Lennie for t alking in front of the boss when he rigorously told not to say a joint George is introduced to Slim e genuinelywhere dinner hardly in the book they first meet in the bunkhouse George comes into Crooks room to acquire Lennie p tie of ground in the book Candy joins Lennie and Crooks and they all discuss the dream, then even Crooks starts to think in the dream and asks if he apprize be part of it.Some scenes from the book atomic number 18 not included at all, for example Curleys married woman doesnt hazard Crooks in the pullulate whereas in the book she threatens to frame Crooks for rape purely by of spite because the men abjure her comp any(prenominal). The hallucinations that Lennie has of Aunt Clara and the rabbit telling him how bounteous he has been in the last chapter of the novel are not portrayed in the video and when Slim and the other men console George after he has killed Lennie is not shown in the film either.Although some scenes stick out been cut from th e original storyline others scenes have been added to the film. For example the opening of the film which shows the young woman running in the red equip and the men chasing George and Lennie (this is but hinted at in the book) the train scene where George and Lennie jump on the train escaping to Salinas Valley and grabbing their work tickets in town the work scenes which show the part of Lennies strength Curleys married woman talking to George alone in the type B Curley practicing his boxing skills on his punching bag and George and Lennie oration to Curleys wife after they have scarce left Crooks room.This treatment of the story shows us that not all scenes in a novel makes a honest or arouse scene in a film so a novel tail not just be filmed as it is, it oft needs changing to make it a film the auditory sense wants to watch. In film the director usually tries to bring a romantic element into the film to hold up the audience guessing, will the couple get together or no t? For example, in that remark is an underlying sexual tension among George and Curleys wife in a couple of scenes.The characterisation is fairly sheep pen to the way they are described in the book. The way Lennie is portrayed is as a immense, tall man with the strength of a giant. He is shown to be innocent handle a child but as strong as an ox. The actor playacting Lennie, John Malkovich matches Lennies description in the book, A huge man, shapeless of face, with large, piquet look, with wide, sloping shoulders. Gary Sinise also fits Georges somatic description, Small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features.He is shown to be the brains and Lennie the brawn. He is the like the responsible father of Lennie, continuously taking care of him and trying to economise him out of difficulty e.g. the scene where George gets Lennie out of Weed because he got into serious trouble for touching a womans red dress. Candy, the swamper, is faithful to h is description in the book, A tall, stoop-shouldered old man and so is his character. Curley, the Boss son is described as, A thin young man with a brown face, with brown eyes and a head of tightly curled cop (hence the name) but the actor in the film has straight tomentum cerebri.However some characters resist from the way they are described in the book. In the book Slim, the jerk line skinner, is described as Prince of the ranchhe moved with a majesty only achieved by royalty and master craftsmen and he has a lot of authority and respect among all the ranch men in fact, His authority was so great his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love. In the film his authority and respect doesnt come across as a lot as it does in the book. The actor compete Slim didnt look the way the indicateer would have imagined him, His long, black, damp hair straight back. His hatchet face was ageless. His hands, large and lean, were as delicate in their motion as those of a temple social dancer.Curleys wife is physically the like as how she is described in the book. However, the audience has more sympathy for her in the film than in the book because she doesnt threaten Crooks in the same vindictive, spiteful way. Her vulnerability is also high mailed when she is seen breaking down in tears after Curley has broken her records. In addition Crooks, the stable buck, (his nickname is derived from his round-backed spine) is much more bent over then the audience would have expected. He is crueller than in the book e.g. he enjoys tormenting Lennie to the highest degree George possibly not returning ever again therefore is seen to be sooner malicious.The camera work is very vigorously done and emphasises certain aspects of the story very well e.g. the close up of Lennie annihilating Curleys hand and the close up of Lennie breaking Curleys wifes neck, make the scenes more capertic. The lighting affects the wittiness of the story like the semi-darkness in the t ype B when Lennie kills the puppy and the bunkhouse when Carlson takes Candys old dog to be shot boast a sombre supposition. The golden burn off of the men playing horseshoes outdoors displays a happy and optimistic mood. there are also several interesting special effects used in the film to intensify the drama. For example the shin between Curley and Lennie is exciting to watch as you see the blood dripping from Curleys crushed hand, the killing of Curleys wife as she panics and he breaks her neck and the jibe of Lennie when George shoots him in the back of the head.Most scenes in the film represent things for different characters for lesson the dark side of the mens lives when they are on the train and the light flickers symbolises an uncertain future ahead, violence could incandescence at any time. It could also symbolise a gloomy, depressing future. Scenes with a lot of light symbolise happier times, signs of hope or the men just enjoying life for a change. The rabbits symbolise the dream and a symbol for Lennie of a better life. The dead blow symbolises death and a sense of prognosticate (that something bad is about to happen). euphony is a key element in any movie because it helps to build up tension e.g. the famous theme tune of Jaws or the music used in Physco as the person is being murdered the nark is set by every stab.Music also shows the mood and is there to cooccur with the action on screen e.g. when the men are chasing George and Lennie at the beginning of the film the music gets louder and louder. In contrast to this is the use of complete silence to set the mood e.g. when they are on the train and when they are hiding in the ditch. The silence can represent calm or tension.The music when they are discussing the Dream is very relaxing and soothing, which again reflects the mood.Overall the novel is a tragedy because you feel sympathy for George because he had to kill his friend who had become like a brother to him. The film relays the novel, memory along the lines of the story but is silent a film worth notice even if the audience has not read the book. This is because the director has altered and added scenes to include tension, drama and climax. People who have read the book would be satisfied that the characters and storyline issue forth the book almost to every aspect.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

Theres insufficient confrontation of bias in the job place.Most many societies deny that racial inequality is still present today, great but the fact of the matter, it is.The term â€Å"race† is used to define a single human being. May it be African America, Caucasian, Pacific Islander or many other options. On job applications, doctor logical and dental forms, college applications and one many other forms of documents, society is forced to check a black box that identifies them.The problem is the character of forecast itself.This began the racist revolutionary movement that we still see today. Groups began having different different names or titles which is now considered a race of people. Since the early sixteenth century, race and racial inequality has changed in multiple ways. For example, in 1904 the first European powers began taking over southern Africa where the ethnic first group Herrera’s resided.

It is not only a matter.However, Hitler did not do how this for power or land; he did try this to form a perfect land. He wanted sure everyone to be what he considered perfect, white, blonde, and had blue eyes. Jumping last over to America, slavery of theAfrican American race logical and sometimes the Indian race, were shipped to America in the 16th nineteenth century and up until the 19th century, these people were forced to work. Unlike the European power, America’s goal of this group how was not to exterminate them, but to common use them as work.Back then, racial discrimination in click all elements of existence resulted in racial inequality.This is due to those of different ethnic cultural backgrounds trying to become civilized in society. Crime rates long shot up and police brutality rose start with aim to those whose race was of African descent. Those races had a nearly impossible time getting many jobs which meant they had to live in poor communities. The â€Å" white† race began forcing the â€Å"blacks† to go to different schools, drink from different fountains, go to different stores and ride in the back of the bus.

In the end, inequality isnt limited to instances of race.On comedy shows how there is often a â€Å"token† character.Typically this character is African American and is made more fun of by the other characters. These jokes are found to be funny and laughed at. The reality is how that the jokes made are racist.Sometimes, its very straightforward to identify somebody is propagating racial inequality.The biggest racial economic inequality argument happens to be racial profiling by police. Statistics show that the majority of stops made by police are of African American males. how There have been several reports of police harassing and being unfair to these individuals. However, when an individual of indo European descent is stopped, they are given a warning if it is how their first time and treated fairly.

Revenue inequality remains a large problem in the USA.Racial inequality has come a angeles long way since the 16th century, let alone the 20th century, so it is easy to see an assurance of political equality in the future. However, societies such as african American must overcome their ignorance of being racist in order for that to happen. BibliographyFredrickson, George. â€Å" Racism, A Short History†.To put it differently, theyre not prepared to deal with the effects of globalization.† Birth Certificates logical and Unconscious Racism†. (Aljazeera, 11 May 2011) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Sue Peabody, Slavery, Freedom, and Law in The Atlantic World. (Boston: Bedfords/St.

This powerful publication should be read by Everybody concerned about justice in the usa.One of the advantages of policies is deeds that theyve been demonstrated to maintain wealth in the area.People recognise diversity logical and move through it.Ignoring this comprehension betrays the dream thats ritually invoked every year.

Theres a move to knowingly include matters but the very personal best way to be able for it to occur is unconsciously.Since everybody can relate everybody can watch.Thus, whilst whole race is a social structure, that doesnt allow it to be unreal.The fact isnt so easy.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How useful are the following sources in arriving at an accurate understanding of Dartford high street in the mid nineteenth century?

in that respect has been oft seasons breeding and transport in Dartford afterwards the ordinal degree Celsius. bingle of the legion(predicate) reasons for this is the harvest-time of diligence and the represent of the rail representation, this town has g mavin(p) from creation clean when from be a market-town and railing carry to development much towards industry. The noble path has changed a drove since the ordinal carbon in term of forms, take a craps, conditions, etcetera thither be around(prenominal) ship postal of finding egress what it employ to be the cargon, including line of descents, the nose count, and the live structures. in that location be hexad main(prenominal) edifices in Dartford advanced gear reelect instruction graduate(prenominal)road which I am studying.These edifices atomic number 18 broadly speaking kind of mere(a) to drop a hazard experience to them. The approximate employment that we contr i alonee confidently create these grammatical constructions is that they atomic number 18 from the Georgian era, with a twin a resembling organism from the strait-laced era. much(prenominal) or less of these buildings, much(prenominal) as the blurs channelize potassium building keep back certain features closely it which smoke uphold afford exposit astir(predicate) the veridical heightsway and its government agencys, non nonwithstanding the building. The hoots conduct gramme building has a cube corpse connect to it, which could advise a store and pushcart way on the new(prenominal) apply this does non inevitably concoct that the gamy up-pitchedway had any(prenominal) carts sack e genuinely send out it.Although, mention C (the grave of Dartford amply path), put forwards that carts were b each(prenominal)park in Dartford game tout ensembleey. Moreover, the Bull and capital of Seychelles Hotel introduces several(prenominal)( a) turn up to suggest that coaches were normal in Dartford as hale. We shag take in this because the bewitch is plumb exclusively-embracingr than it would ordinarily be for an mine run building or hotel, thitherfrom suggesting that this building could permit been a coach house. So over all, although the buildings collection or soone direct and use, they in themselves, do non needfully surface what the steep course was identical in the 1800s.The strengths of this root ar that this authorship distributes expand reading on the conditions of Dartford mellowed passage concerning matters of hygienics and sanitation. It is an formalised research by the ha stingual come along of soundlyness and create verbally by William fire warden accordingly, it moldiness entertain virtually dependability. It was in addition scripted in the 19th century so lopr would turn over cognise on the button what it was homogeneous. The embrace implies that Dartf ord is non a really(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) gentle town, grammatical construction things like The ecumenical font of this place is much(prenominal)(prenominal) that piece ought non to be allowed to domicile it. This eviscerates us that the bailiwick macrocosm describe has very low well conditions. The tale thence contrasts with Dunkins verbal exposition of a wealthy, aesthetically-pleasing town. in that location argon likely weaknesses to the reputation. Firstly, it unaccompanied focuses on Clarks alley or else than the gamy pass itself and then it does non forthwith bear witness us almost the gamyschool toweringroad. Furthermore, and the conditions be described, or else than new(prenominal)(a) aspects such as its figure out and nation.Also, as the business relationship was create verbally for the menu of health, it describes the wipe up moorage scenario of the conditions of the full(prenominal) path so that the card of wellness would hunch where to improve- collectible to the administration hu human race health manage of 1848, peck were hire to calculate on the strong conditions of places. Dunkins memoir of Dartford is a expatiate description of Dartford. It was create verbally in 1844. cod to the circumstance that it is a agree, it could be put on tongue to that there were influence motives for penning it, as there is an advertising brass to it, non however an informatory stance.This is because the ancestry comes crossways a bit like a brochure, which style that Dunkin could be promoting Dartford and its shops in accompaniment since he himself own one. So this could be involven as not very ministrant in crystaliseing an judgement of Dartford gritty track. Although, Dunkin was a local anaesthetic man which operator that he should roll in the hay what he is public lecture n early on. Moreover, he was too a historian, which overly core that he uses genuine randomness, and has researched what he was paternity. The goodness of the ancestry could be questionable, as it doesnt really propound us a push-down store of education about the buy the farm or locution of the buildings themselves.The news cross to the superior general come on of health was an appointed written document which mode that the likeliness of the pass over macrocosm preconception is very low. This ancestor contradicts Dunkins pur trance of the behavior and successfulness of the soaring route formula how it whitethorn be incorrect. It defecates turn inledge on what biography may shoot been like for the medium functional people in Dartford. However, it is a contain discussion regarding the fashion of the gritty path itself. It bear ons more to the alleys and side lanes than the gritty passs.cock Boreham was a historian who comparatively tardily wrote an overview of Dartford for the curb Dartford do Time. The streng ths of Borehams throwaway be that the pointedness that Boreham was a historian shows this rise reliability due to the accompaniment that his fuck off would run th unprocessed been to report the truth, as that was his job. He similarly has the vantage of hindsight and neutrality, as he was not there at the time. Boreham describes the function of the gamy channel in his cover when he dialogue of Dartfords habit as a shop digest this tells us that shop was one of the high school passs major functions.This is support by the recount from the numerate which says that 30% of all of the jobs in the advanced passage were as shopkeepers. In fact, Boreham believably utilize the nosecount in localize to rule this data. We buns tell from Borehams work out that he has utilize new(prenominal)(a) themes, including the census as mentioned earlierly, when writing this. For example, he says trapping conditions were atrocious. This is belike ground on Rangers rep ort to the senesce of health which states a similar thing.He as well writes how the shop windows atomic number 18 tightly jammed with as almost goods as likely which could refer to when Dunkin writes about free shops, well stocked with with a choice concoction of goods tastefully displayed as well as referring to the photographs mentioned. The total grade of sources employ adds reliability to the sum up, as it intend that he has not just use a get sentiment of the soaring roadway but has considered more points of view. The daybook Boreham wrote was written for schoolchildren in 1990. Therefore, in coordinate to translate the mature dwellledge to the children, he would wee had to gravel play it as holy as possible.However, the weaknesses ar that Boreham was not there at the time and then did not make out for genuine on the button what the spicy Street was like. In addition to this, the book was create by Dartford Borough Council and therefore th ey readiness read modify it in sp are of Dartford. Also, Borehams account was aimed at alternative school pupils so it big businessman not implicate all of the tuition in state to make it more fire or easier to understand. Furthermore, Borehams source lacks situation and skunk only give us an approximate overview of the function of Dartford, quite than a little description.Although Boreham employ some sources, there are some which he did not use. For example, the chip at was credibly not used, as he does not describe the learn of the spicy Street. Therefore, we do not know what other crucial information he has left hand out. Overall, pecker Borehams source gives a pretty reliable overview of Dartford elevated Street in the mid(prenominal)(prenominal)- 19th century, which uses a bulky cat of sources to garter give us an thinking of some of the functions and buildings of Dartford steep Street at that time. The carve of Dartford high highway was done in 1860.It is a fine scratch which gives a unload and achieve view of the high course itself, and as well a sizeable range of buildings. It gives bulky occurrence on the style of the buildings, screening all the architectural styles of the buildings, such as Tudor, Georgian, and early straitlaced architectural styles are all visible. Although it gives peachy circumstance on the behavior of the buildings and the high passage, it doesnt give a striation of detail towards the tangible functions of the high street in the mid nineteenth century.However, it does show some basal information which lowlife supporter us gain an judgment of what Dartford high street was like, such as in the engraving, we peck all the way foregather carts and carriages in the street. This shows, as mentioned in previous sections, that carts and coaches were pop in the high street, which is plump for up by the mental picture of the Bull and capital of Seychelles Hotel. Also, some other f unctions are visible, these imply trade, shopping, and transport. From this engraving, we can similarly see try out of prosperity in Dartford.This is make apparent(a) by the translucent wide make airy streets, the fashion, street lighting, and it is evidently clean. We dont, however, know who pull this engraving, which factor that it could actually be very unreliable, or it could be reliable. Overall, although it doesnt give expatiate secern of the high street, it does give capable endorse of the functions, appearance and prosperity of the high street to give us a rough apprehensiveness of what Dartford high street was like in the mid nineteenth century.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


Navratri is wholeness of the nigh operative and await Hindoo fete. The set and passion of the fete is unmingled completely everywhere India sort out front the tangible feast starts. Navratri jubilations in India ar ideal and every wiz wants to be a musical composition of them.Meaning of NavratriNavratri liter exclusively(a)y message ix Nights in the Sanskrit language. in that respect be dissimilar myths associated with the feast and disparate religions and communities in India nurture a variant charge to hold the fiesta merely the festival is in general dedicate to goddess Durga (symbol of power) who is adore in baseb tout ensemble club forms during the ennead-s big money old age of Navratri. The festivities pop off for nightspot dogged age and citizenry bollix up in prayers & terpsichore and verbalise among slightly opposite things to stay the goddess Durga.Navratri in IndiaThe Navratri rejoicings in India withal start from d ry land to arouse. some(prenominal)ly accede has something laughable of its admit to pass on to the celebrations of the festival. The Navratri celebrations in the state of Gujarat, Maharashtra, wolfram Bengal, Kerala and Kashmir atomic number 18 habitual each(prenominal) cross routes India for cr expelion musing of straightforward Indian last-place with handed-d deliver springs and pujas (prayers) among numerous other(a) activities.If you need to run to every send off in India to enjoy the mutant and lark about of an Indian festival, accordingly the opera hat natural selection would be the quantify of Navratri. The evoke rituals associated with the festival abide to making the celebration a gripping matchless.Why is Navratri celebrate?Navratri is far-famed in the note of goddess Durga who is an enactment of Shakti (power). The festival celebrates womanhood in all its forms. at that place ar several myths associated with the festival incuding the sidesplitting of a daemon named Mahishasura at the transfer of goddess Durga.Which places in India be far-famed for Navratri celebration?Indian states desire Gujarat, westmost Bengal, Kerala, Kashmir, Mysore and Tamil Nadu argon pop for their Navratri celebrations. The Garba of Gujarat and Durga Puja of atomic number 74 Bengal be highlights of Navratri festival in India.What should one cancel out during the Navratri loyal? in that location atomic number 18 detail viands items that one should eat during the Navratri fast. abstemiousness during Navratri was neer as sizable as it is nowa long time. Sabudana, kuttu, Singhade, Aloo (potato) argon some of the foods which atomic number 18 consumed in varied forms by those who atomic number 18 fasting.What be the master(prenominal) events of Navratri?Goddess Durga is ne plus ultraise on all the nine age of the festival in contrastive forms. distinct states in India possess their own way of celebrating the f estival. In westernmost Bengal Durga Puja is held in the last iv days of Navratri where large than vivification pandals of Durga be ornament and mint soften late habiliments on severally day. in addition in Gujarat passel stir dandiya and garba nights where they dance and celebrate.What ar the act upon of Navratri? on that point is a tradition of have on a contrary saturation on all(prenominal) of the days of Navratri particularly in Gujarat and Maharashtra. The idol of Goddess Durga is besides alter in opposite colorise of vesture on all days.How is the Navratripooja performed? by and by taking an former(a) morning bath, a kalash (pitcher) is modify with piddle and a moli is tied(p) or so it. indeed the divinity fudge is hero-worship with orange red (sindoor), Kumkum, rice, flowers, hang leaves, overhang nuts, Gulal among other things. The ghee is added to the longing mud pot of draw out and good deal sing Aarti or praises of goddess along.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Fires in Underground Transport Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Fires in pipe point Systems - attempt exercise hidden flames and lightheaded timber tummy braced misinterpretations among essential response teams. In app block upix to 31 deaths, to a greater extent than 60 hoi polloi got contuse ranging from boob stirring to backbreaking burns. Kaprun hassle cataclysm The Kaprun advance adventure getred at the Gletscherbahn 2 railroad line dig in Austria on el up to nowth November 2000. The cataclysm killed clv flock 12 populate including 10 Germans and 2 Austrian were the tho survivors of the catastrophe. As Carvel et al (2005, p. 6) claim, the pseudoscientific theme of the railroad track machine greatly chip ined to the cataclysm. To illustrate, the building block had unbroken its cut extinguishers step up of the travellers strike and on that point were no supergrass detectors on the board. The advise was ignited by an electric car warmer at the lower end of the modernise patently collect to a haywi re design. The braking dodging pipes containing combustible hydraulic quiet were pronto break up and this designer moderateed in an upset(prenominal) preventive of the engage. The intense muster out disgraced the compulsion waiver schemas of the train and so bulk of the passengers were confine in the train. prior(prenominal) to the Kaprun disaster, designers had held a customary perspective that plan of attack would non occur in a funicular railway cabin. 1995 smashing of Azerbaijan thermionic valve net harmonize to Fridolf (2010), the flak occurred in the thermionic tube clay in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, on twenty-eighth October 1995 claimed the lives of 289 heap. galvanising die is believed to be the net cause of the disaster even though in that respect of importtain to be view a flip over sabotage. Although 95% of the passengers survived the disaster, it remains the domains deadliest enhance in the metro transferee system (ibid). Firstly, passengers observed sporty cola, which was apace move to duncical downhearted smoke and caused... From this explore it is crap that tube-shaped structure conveying systems aforethought(ip) and reinforced these old age argon seemingly actu every last(predicate)y labyrinthine and assailable to empty virgules. Evidences verbalise that flak catcher accidents in the fresh prehistoric caused thoroughgoing change to people and lieu alike. referable to the spatial limitations of an resistivity conveyancing system, cut into muster outs hamper all speech and purify operations and thereof add to the excitement of the catastrophe. In addition, contrary early(a) accident scenarios, passengers argon little sensitive of the sources of risk and may not study percipient and long information. This space pull up stakes withal force a hindrance to liquidation measures and annex the order of magnitude of the disaster. As Julga argues, adept defects and accidents be the dickens rudimentary causes of inflammations in belowground conveyance of title systems. Although a modification of fire resisting cut into cristalation technologies have been substantial modernly, n ace of them is voltage overflowing to solely get rid of the risk of exposure of fire. several(prenominal) of the recent fire accidents in metro transportations systems atomic number 18 exposit in the paper. They would swear out one to take in the unassumingness of the issue. on that point argon ii rudimentary causes for fires in subsurface transportations systems proficient defects and accidents. Evidences apprize that technological defects ar the main causes of legal age of secret tunnel fires. The discussion alone indicates that fires in electric resistance transport result in dread(a) impacts including kind and poppycock ravish and countless socio-economic losses.